Prayer & News 2024
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august 2024
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Week 1 - Beth
We thank God for the summer activities we have been able to run and for the young people who have attended.
Please pray for the group of young people we are taking to the East of England Salvation Army Camp in Hadleigh from 4th- 7th of August.
Please pray for more opportunities to have conversations about faith at our activities, the camp, and through the school chaplaincy at Ipswich Academy.
Please pray for safety for the young people who will be out and about during these summer holidays.
We thank God for The Priory Salvation Army Centre in Ipswich where I am based, for the people they support, and all the work that they do.
Week 2 - henry
As I meet with funders, please pray for new working relationships to be formed so they really buy in to the vision of CYM and would see the benefit of funding areas of our work.
Please pray that I would keep God at the centre of my thoughts during planning and preparation for ‘The Gathering’ series of events for young people.
Please remember Julia and I in your prayers as we adjust to life with a newborn. May we make the time to continue to draw closer to God, especially in this time.
In my spare time, I also chair Suffolk Christian Camps, that runs throughout the summer. Please pray for these camps and that those attending would meet Jesus in a new way.
As we look to the future of CYM and the projects we would like to build on, please pray that we will always have God’s will and plan at the forefront of our dreams.
Week 3 - Tom
I want to thank God for the way I still really enjoy and feel like I am in the right place and where God wants me.
I would like to pray for the work that Jo and I are hoping to do together over the next few months as Eastern Education Group Chaplains.
Let us pray for West Suffolk College students and staff as they submit final work for their courses.
Please pray for new Abbeygate Sixth Form College students as they start to prepare for September.
Let us pray into new ways that Chaplains can use their skills and resources in the different schools and colleges where CYM works.
Week 4 - Abi
I thank God for calling Beckie and I as Chaplains for the Raedwald Trust. I thank God for our friendship and collaborative working over the last term.
Please pray for the students we will encounter in the next academic year. We pray for wisdom as we support them, that we will make a lasting difference to their lives.
Please pray for all the Chaplains as they have time off this summer. May they all feel refreshed and strengthened as they take time to rest.
We pray for the staff at Raedwald Trust as they too enjoy a summer break. We pray blessings over them and their families as they spend time together.
We thank God for the Christian teachers at Raedwald. We pray their faith and trust in God would deepen this year and they would know His hand at work in their lives.
Week 5 - Ant
I would value your prayers in preparation for the start of term as I desire to see more of His Kingdom present through prayer and prayer-walking in school.
We thank God for all the students who we have been able to care for through 1-2-1 support sessions. Pray for those at Chantry who struggle with homelife over holidays.
I am really looking forward to welcoming new Year 7 students next week. Please pray that the ‘Chaplain’s Welcome’ postcard in their welcome pack will prove reassuring and an encouragement.
Pray for staff and students’ part of the Chantry Academy school community for real enjoyment and safety over this last weekend of the holidays.
This year we have been strengthening the spiritual wellbeing for our team through deeper discipleship. Pray that the prayer partners and triplets grow in relationship with one another and Jesus.